peseuse de contrôle automatique de pipeline - machine de pesage en ligne

2020-07-31 16:26:34
Trieuse pondérale automatique Pipeline - Peseuse en ligneTrieuse pondérale commeconnu en tant quemachinepesage,échelletri,consultermasseret ainsisuite.The pipeline automatic check weigher is a product developed by the company for the domestic food, daily chemicals, electronics and other target markets with excellent cost performance. The product has the characteristics of fast detection speed, high measurement accuracy, strong expansion performance and so on, providing a more economical solution for the heavy inspection operation on the production line.450-3.jpgPipeline automatic check weigher can be used in combination for communication and combination of multiple weighing-checking weighers, so as to realize on-line work of multiple weighing-checking weighers and meet users' demand for net weight detection in packages.Intuitive graphical interface display, easy for users to operate;Rich data statistics, easy for users to find the problems in the process;Intimate data analysis, convenient for users to improve the packaging, filling process;The scope of application for weight inspection, this product is suitable for the weight detection of large weight, large volume goods, especially for the missing parts detection of the whole box;Such as: lack of bottle, lack of box, lack of a piece, lack of a bag, lack of a can, etc.Widely used in pharmaceutical, food, toys, hardware, chemical and other industries online testing.In addition, it can directly replace manual weighing, so as to improve production efficiency, consistency and reliability of weighing.
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