With the rapid development of
automatic check weigher industry, automatic check weigher has become a special
equipment for food, medicine and other enterprises to detect the weight of products online.This
testing equipment not only ensures the accuracy of product weight, reduces the production waste caused by weight exceeding the standard value, but also improves the product's trust in the hearts of customers.
![1595924429670746.jpg SG-220UH右到左1已抠_1.jpg](https://v2-hk-01-1251009151.file.myqcloud.com//ueditor/php/upload/image/20200728/1595924429670746.jpg)
With the increase of the quantity and function of the automatic check weigher in the production process of the enterprise, the equipment is gradually transformed from the simple weight detection steering system to the integrated weight detection system.
1. Combination of automatic check weigher and metal detection machineThis combination is one of the commonly used combinations in food enterprises.In this system, the metal detecting machine is directly installed on the conveyor in front of the automatic checking weigher and shares an automatic eliminator with the automatic checking weigher, thus saving the input of equipment cost.At the same time, the metal detection machine is controlled by the control system provided by the screen of automatic weighing scale, so that the weight detection and metal detection are completed under the same control screen, which effectively reduces the repetitive operation and improves the work efficiency.
2. Combination of automatic checking weigher, code spraying machine and labeling machine자동 검사 계량기와 코드 스프레이의 조합은 특히 육류 생산 기업에 적합하며, 자동 검사 계량기와 라벨링 기계의 조합은 슬라이스 육류 제품의 급속 냉동 식품 생산에 적합합니다. 절단 후 육류 제품의 무게가 다르기 때문에, 제품의 무게는 자동 검사 계량기의 후단에 코드 스프레이 기계 또는 라벨링 기계를 결합하여 제품 포장 또는 라벨에 직접 인쇄 할 수 있으므로 반복 작업을 효과적으로 줄이고 기업의 포장 비용을 절약 할 수 있습니다.
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